


You need not drop the ego【半岛平台】

发布时间:2024-05-04 06:57人气:


他深感似乎,他想深感似乎。他深感低贱,因为自卑他深感伤势,自卑感建构出有了它的对立面,也就是自我。The ego is an that "I am not l", that "I am omn", that "I am tremen powerful", that "I am this, I am that". Through money, power, prestige, one goes on proving that "I am not . Who says I am ?"自我是一个幻象——“我并不有限”、“我无所不能”、“我十分强劲”、“我是这个,我是那个”的幻象。通过金钱、权力、名誉,一个人不时的证明“我并不劣,谁说道我劣了?”The ego exists in the same proportion as you feel . The proportion is exactly the same. The more you feel, the more egoistic you become. The ego is a compensation, but because it is it does not help in the long run. It is a very short-s measure. It can keep you in for a while but again an the reality asserts. Deep down, hidden behind the facade of the ego you know the wound, that you are small, that you are l by birth an, that you are l by the body, by the mind, that you are l by time an. It is to hide it forever. It is such a reality.你有多自卑,自我就有多大。




ut, if one enters into me a great revolution happens: a radical change sets in. The ; one finds something oceanic.但是,如果一个人转入了静心,最出色的革命不会再次发生,极大的转变不会再次发生。露珠消失了,他寻找了某些海洋般的东西。Man is a because he feels with the body, with the mind. Me is the awareness that "I am not the body and not the mind!" The moment you become aware that you are not the body and the mind, su all boun ; they were created by your . Su you are no more in the prison.人是一滴露珠,因为他尊重于身体,尊重于头脑。

静心就是觉知到“我不是身体,也不是头脑!”一旦你觉察到你不是身体和头脑,忽然所有的界限都消失了;它们是由你的尊重生产出来的。忽然你仍然在监狱里了。The prison was , it was your creation. An the prison was all your efforts to get out of it were . The ego is an effort to get out of an prison. It is like a me which is but is trying to cure some . And an always finds some me...监狱是虚幻的,它是你的建构。因为监狱是虚幻的,所以你企图挣脱它的所有希望也是虚幻的。

自我是挣脱虚幻的监狱的希望。它就看起来药,药本身是虚幻的,但它企图清领好某些虚幻的疾病。虚幻的疾病总是不会寻找一些虚幻的药物……Me is a simple process of knowing the reality as it is. It is s, it is awareness, it is watchfulness, it is w. An is the key, because when you w something you cannot remain with it.觉知是一个知悉如是的空性的过程。


The moment you w something you are separate from it. The w is never the w. If you can w your body you are transcen to the body, beyond the body. If you can watch your mind you are beyond the mind. If you can watch your feelings you are beyond the heart, an are the three l.一旦你观照一样东西,你就跟它分离出来了。观照总有一天不是被观照物。

如果你能观照你的身体,你就打破了身体。如果你能观照你的头脑,你就打破了头脑。如果你能观照你的感觉,你就打破了心,那是三大容许。Once you know your transcendence you feel oceanic, vast. Then there is no need for the ego. The ego cannot be , because in the first place it doesn't exist. But in me it .一旦你知悉了自己的超然,你就深感有如海洋一般、浩瀚。


但它不会在静心中消失。And this is where from all so-calle. They all say "Drop the ego, then you can enter into me". That is sheer nonsense! It is lying, like telling a person that "First you get healthy then you can use the me. First you get healthy". If that is the requ to use the me then the whole thing is absurd. For what the me has to be used then? And this is what has been taught for centuries: drop the ego, so that you can enter into me. This is not possible.这就是我跟所谓的传统不一样的地方。



到那时候还出院干嘛?这就是千百年来仍然被教导的:拿起自我,这样你就能转入静心。这是不有可能的。o the people who try to drop the ego they start having a new kind of ego, far more subtler -- the ego of humbleness, the ego of egolessness. Again they are trapped. It is bound to happen, it is .所以那些企图拿起自我的人开始有了一种新的、错综复杂的多的自我佩服的自我,无我的自我。

他们又被吞噬了。它预见不会再次发生,它是不可避免的。My approach is just the opposite: do not be bothered by the ego. Go to the roots. Why you have created the ego? -- because you feel so you want to create something big aroun to hide your l.我的方式忽略:别被自我后遗症。去到根源。

为什么你建构出有了自我?因为你深感自卑,所以你想要在你身边建构出有一些最出色的东西,来隐蔽你的局限。You want to brag, you want to puff your ego as big as possible; like a balloon you go on puffing it. But the cause is an is cause of . So the you go into the roots you will find the basic of humanity is ; hence the only me that is going to cure is w. W , and then you need not drop the ego because there is no ego to be found.你想要撒谎,你想要让你的自我尽量的收缩;就像你不时的刮起气球一样。但内在,原因是自卑,自卑是尊重造成的。

所以你就越了解根源,你就不会找到人显然的疾病是尊重;因此唯一能化疗的药物就是观照。观照不会毁坏尊重,于是你不必须拿起自我,因为显然去找将近自我。And to experience oneself in one's vastness, , eternity, is the moment of bliss, the moment of truth, the moment of real. That is the ultimate goal of sannyas.在自己的浩瀚、无限、永恒之中体验自己,那一刻光明再次发生了,那一刻真理显出了,那一刻无我再次发生了。那就是修行者的终极目标。



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