



发布时间:2024-04-11 06:57人气:
本文摘要:Best-man Toshiyuki hands out two iPads at a Japanese wedding reception. Hes something of an early adopter while some of the older guests are unfamiliar with touch screens, despite their countrys tech-savvy reputation. But the tablets intuitive quality wins them over as they begin happily perusing a slide show of images from the betrotheds lives -- not something wedding guests might do outside of Asia but which, in Japan, is de rigueur.在日本的一个婚礼上,伴郎森川智之拿走了两台iPad。

Best-man Toshiyuki hands out two iPads at a Japanese wedding reception. Hes something of an early adopter while some of the older guests are unfamiliar with touch screens, despite their countrys tech-savvy reputation. But the tablets intuitive quality wins them over as they begin happily perusing a slide show of images from the betrotheds lives -- not something wedding guests might do outside of Asia but which, in Japan, is de rigueur.在日本的一个婚礼上,伴郎森川智之拿走了两台iPad。尽管日本以科技繁盛而闻名,但到场的不少年龄较小的宾客对触摸屏并不熟知,在他们面前,森川却是较早于通晓这款产品的人了。不过,当这些客人在iPad上快乐地网页一对新人的生活照时,平板电脑便利好用的特性马上吞并了他们。在亚洲以外的国家,婚礼上不太可能决定这个环节。

但在日本,这么做到几乎符合礼仪。Applications unique to Japan are blossoming here thanks to Apples (AAPL) iPad. In the absence of a popular home-grown alternative, domestic app makers have come up with some unusual -- sometimes inspiring -- approaches. The fishermen in Hokkaido are using the iPad to record where they have fished to avoid over-fishing. In Saga prefecture, all the ambulances uses iPad to quickly locate where the patient has to be transferred. In Kobe, physicians using iPads during operations, says Tokyo-based tech consultant Nobuyuki Hayashi. I could name another cool 50. There is almost nothing on Android tablets.苹果(Apple)iPad问世后,日本辈出大量特有的本地化应用于。


神户的外科医生则在手术中用于iPad。我还能再行所述另外50个很棒的应用于,但它们大多都无法在安卓系统上加装。”What is working in Japan? Here are a few examples:日本人讨厌什么样的应用于呢?下面荐几个例子:Marriage of Convenience婚礼助手With heaps of protocol to observe, wedding planning in Japan is a complex affair. What an expensive, human wedding planner might otherwise do, the Chabio app promises to accomplish with minimal fuss. Not only will it keep tabs on all the necessary information -- such as your fiancées mothers name -- but it also sports a huge pre-populated to-do list. It is divided by time frame (e.g. six to 12 months prior to wedding, four to one day before the wedding, etc.), so users wont be shouting get me to the church on time on the big day. Guests can also use Docomos popular i-concier service to point their mobiles at a wedding invite and be told how exactly to get there.在日本,婚礼的繁文缛节一大堆,所以婚礼策划是件非常复杂的事。



See the World漫游世界Japanese cellphone owners have long enjoyed location-based services and spiffy mobile navigators. But the Sekai Camera app goes further to generate a new, fourth dimension everybody has dreamed of, says Takahito Iguchi the applications creator. Like other so-called augmented-reality apps, it calculates your position, then, using the camera, displays location-specific information graphically on top of a real-world view. But the genius of Sekai Camera is that individuals and businesses can add their own information. They just point a smartphone/tablet camera at the landscape adding tags that can include text, images, and sound that can be picked up by others in the area later. Tags can translate into coupons from businesses (a free Guinness when you stop at a bar serving the black stuff for example) or travel tips from friends.日本的手机用户很早已开始用于各种定位服务和导航系统服务。但新的应用于Sekai Camera的开发者井口崇人回应,Sekai Camera更进一步扩展了定位功能,建构了“大家都梦寐以求的全新四维空间”。和其他所谓的现实强化应用于一样,它再行计算出来出有你所在的方位,随后用一个摄像头在一幅现实图像的顶部表明跟你方位涉及的特定地理信息。

这个应用于的绝妙之处在于,个人和商家都能加到自己的信息。他们只必须把智能手机或平板电脑对准某个场景,就能加到还包括文本、图像和声音在内的“标签”,回到这个区域的其他人就能写这些信息。这些标签可以变为商家获取的优惠券(比方说,你可以在一家黑啤酒吧发给一瓶免费的吉尼斯黑啤),或者朋友给你的旅行建议。Waiting for Godot等候戈多As witnessed in post-tsunami Japan, looting is rare. So, hand out an iPad in a pub with a menu on it, or in a restaurant, and you are very likely to have it returned. Without fear of theft, many restaurants now use iPhones and iPads as order-taking devices (for the waitress). Whats unique at Toku, a Korean BBQ restaurant in Kyoto, is it uses the iPad as a menu/ordering system for direct use by customers. It could make waiting on tables obsolete.就像大家在海啸之后的日本看见的那样,很少有人偷窃。


Golden threads量体选衣Former fashion model Kaoru Igarashi had a theory, based on the golden mean ratio, that there might be an algorithm capable of calculating what fashion best suits you using your vital stats and facial dimensions. A tie-up with online fashion retailers Digital Fashion generated that algorithm. The result is an app that proves her theory used by a department store in Kobe to recommend suites and dress. An iPad is used to snap the customer, and the program does the rest.曾多次当过时装模特五十岚馨有一套基于黄金分割律的理论,就是说有可能有这样一种算法,它能用你的关键尺寸和脸部比例求出你最合适哪种时装。她和在线时尚服饰零售商数码时尚(Digital Fashion)合作开发了这套算法。




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