


半岛平台:华为瞄准下一阶段扩张 Huawei looks forward to next stage of expansion

发布时间:2024-10-17 06:57人气:
本文摘要:The meteoric growth of Huawei, the Chinese telecoms group, is reflected in its changing presence at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.中国电信集团华为(Huawei)飞快的茁壮速度,就反映在它参加巴塞罗那世界移动大会(Mobile World Congress)的排场变化上。

The meteoric growth of Huawei, the Chinese telecoms group, is reflected in its changing presence at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.中国电信集团华为(Huawei)飞快的茁壮速度,就反映在它参加巴塞罗那世界移动大会(Mobile World Congress)的排场变化上。When the company first attended the world’s biggest telecoms event in 2003, it was forced to take a tent on the beach after it missed out on a place in the official conference hall.2003年这家企业首次参与这一全球仅次于电信盛会时,由于没能取得月会议厅中的展位,该公司被迫在海滩上占有了一个帐篷的方位。“Everyone walked around asking ‘Who is Huawei’?,” Vincent Peng, its European president, tells the Financial Times days before the event. “People questioned if the Chinese can even make telecoms infrastructure; how long we were going to be in Europe; if we were just there to look at the market.”大会揭幕几天前,华为西欧地区总裁彭博(Vincent Peng)向英国《金融时报》回应:“每个路经的人都在问:‘华为是谁?’甚至有人问,中国能生产电信基础设备吗?我们想在欧洲待多久?我们到那里去是不是只是为了看一下市场?”This year a company that has become the third-largest smartphone vendor in the world will occupy half of one of the enormous hangers that houses the event to show off its latest network services and products.今年,华为将占有大会所在的其中一个极大机库的一半,展出其近期网络服务和产品。Huawei’s area is no longer protected by a large barrier as in previous years but instead opened up to show its latest technologies. Executives were just as open, keen to stress the group wanted to work with the rest of telecoms industry to develop next generation, 5G networks.华为的展区仍然像往年那样用极大的屏障维护一起,而是开放式的,向人们展出着其近期的技术。

高管们也某种程度对外开放,他们主动特别强调该集团期望与电信业同行合作,研发下一代的5G网络技术。Guo Ping, one of Huawei’s rotating chief executives, says: “China, the European Union and other countries are already discussing 5G standards. We hope stakeholders can reach consensus on the standards.”华为轮值首席执行官之一郭平回应:“中国、欧盟(EU)和其他国家早已在辩论5G标准。我们期望各涉及方面需要就该标准达成协议完全一致。”Huawei is on a par with the world’s largest equipment supplier, Ericsson, which has seven RD centres across the continent and employs 1,200 people.华为与全球仅次于电信设备供应商爱立信(Ericsson)规模不相上下,已沦为全球第三大智能手机商,仅有在欧洲就有7个研发中心、雇有1200人。

Yet Mr Peng said more could be done to extend its business on the continent.不过,彭博回应,在向欧洲扩展业务方面,华为还有希望的空间。The company is working to develop an “ecosystem” around connected cities, which Mr Peng refers to as the third stage of the group’s plans in Europe after initial success in selling its products was followed by the development of its telecoms operations in the region.该公司眼下于是以希望研发环绕网络城市的“生态系统”。彭博称之为,这是该公司欧洲计划的第三阶段。在此之前,继在欧洲销售产品的计划获得可行性顺利之后,该公司已开始在欧洲发展电信业务。

“We want to bring in local partners. If we can make the solutions work in Europe then we can help them sell to the rest of the world,” he says. In consumer mobile, Huawei is still “second tier”.他说道:“我们期望引进当地的合作伙伴。如果我们能让该解决方案在欧洲行之有效,接下来我们就能协助他们销往全球其他地方。”而在移动消费领域,华为目前仍正处于“第二梯队”。The company wants to add to its stable of high-end devices with the next iteration of its flagship range of phones called the P9. Mr Peng says they will have an advanced camera and specifications to match the top selling handsets of rivals such as Apple and Samsung. The devices will use Huawei’s own chip set, which it claims has improved power consumption and battery life.该公司期望把取名为P9的下一代旗舰系列手机重新加入到其高端产品线中。

彭博回应,该系列配有先进设备的摄像头和技术参数,可以与苹果(Apple)、三星(Samsung)等输掉的最畅销机型一较高下。P9系列将使用华为自己的芯片组,据信将更加省电、电池寿命更长。The company also plans to spend more on sponsorship and advertising to develop its brand, and intends to open its first flagship retail stores.华为还计划提升赞助商和广告方面的开支,以打造出自身品牌,并无意开办首家旗舰零售店。

“We have a quite big gap compared to tier one. That is what we are working on,” he said.“比起第一梯队,我们还有一个相当大的差距。这是我们正在希望的地方,”他说道。Huawei has even more ambitious plans in its telecoms network building division, which still accounts for about 70 per cent of sales.在电信网络架构业务上,华为制订了更为雄心勃勃的计划,目前该业务仍然大约占到华为销售额的70%。

Mr Peng wants to join forces with European technology groups to develop suites of services and applications that will enable connected homes and cities, the so-called internet of things.彭博期望能和欧洲科技公司合作开发需要相连住宅和城市的服务和应用于套组,即所谓的物联网。So-called “innovation labs” will be established in cities such as in Munich, Paris and Amsterdam.华为将在慕尼黑、巴黎和阿姆斯特丹等城市成立所谓的“创意实验室”。

“We have picked some cities to demonstrate to the world that this is the way to live and work. [Smart cities] want the whole end-to-end solution — from connectivity, infrastructure, content, applications.”“我们挑选出了一些城市,向世界展出,这就是生活和工作的理应方式。(智慧城市)想的是全套端对端解决方案,从连通性、基础设施、到内容和应用于。

”The centres will work alongside the support for at least three new “connected cities” in Europe — expected to be in London, Madrid and Berlin — which form part of the group’s strategy to extend its influence more deeply across the continent.这些中心将为欧洲最少3个新的“网络城市”(预计将是伦敦、马德里和柏林)获取反对,这是华为一项策略的部分,即更加了解地扩展其在整个欧洲的影响力。But Mr Peng says that European technology has been held back by a lack of scale. When Huawei launched its Honor smartphone range — an online only brand — it found that the only means to promote and sell devices was through US groups such as Amazon, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.但彭博回应,规模严重不足妨碍了欧洲技术的发展。

当华为公布仅有在线销售的“荣耀”(Honor)系列智能手机时,找到他们不能通过亚马逊(Amazon)、Facebook、Instagram和Twitter等美国公司来推展和销售。“Europe has a lot of good companies but the environment is not good for them to scale up,” he says.“欧洲有很多杰出的公司,但环境有利于它们不断扩大规模,”他说道。Nonetheless, he admits that Europe has been more welcoming to Huawei than other regions such as the US, where politicians have raised suspicions about its links to the Chinese state.尽管如此,他也坦言欧洲比美国等其他地区更加青睐华为。

美国的政治人士对华为与中国政府的关系明确提出了疑惑。“European countries are the most open to new things and challenges. Its open, honest, transparent to Huawei, which we like a lot.”“欧洲国家对新事物和新的挑战尤为对外开放。




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